One reason I love summer project environments with Campus Crusade is that they foster such community and your "mess" surfaces a little quicker than if you just attended church on Sunday in your best Sunday dress and smile. Community allows masks to come off, the chance for you to be KNOWN, the chance for you to RESIST being known, and the grace to deal with the things the Father surfaces. Larry Crabb (my hero) says, "Looking bad in the presence of love is so much better than looking bad in the presence of advice."
This morning I had to speak to our students on conflict and how they have been treating one's not been pretty. These dear students were so great!! They worked it out among themselves, prayed and came in to the church service. We then took communion and I'm going to post a picture of our students standing around tables, taking communion, joining hands and praying. Can you say REDEMPTION?????????????? That is so how Christ is with me/us. In my brokenness he comes to me full of Grace and Truth and gently brings about restoration.
I can't believe I'll be home in less then 3 weeks. I'll have a lot of support to raise now that I will be going to Grad School part-time. I'll still stay in my role with CCC @ UT as director, but will be given one day a week to drive to Chattanooga (Richmont Graduate University) to pursue my Masters in Professional Counseling with a specialization in Spirtuality and Counseling/Spiritual Formation. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and scared. I hope to gain a better understanding of people and to continue to cheer them on in their journey. I have to raise a lot of $$$$ to be able to do this though, so please pray for me because I'll have approx. 2 weeks to do it in!
Okay, that's all I got.
aka: Bdubs
I'm so happy for you Beth! Way to go. I think of you so often with fondness. You were such a significant part of me becoming who I am today. :)
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