
Sunday, June 14, 2015

What is the one brave thing you will do today?

“What is the one brave thing you will do today?”  

In October, Don Miller encouraged an audience of 1,000 of us scared humans to wake up in the morning and ask ourselves that question.  A few months ago I started to make this a part of my every day.  At first it just felt a lot like fear, and if I am honest, it still does. It feels like going on a high ropes course and you get to the point where you have to jump off the platform in order to go swinging through the air.  You take that first step and you don’t know if you are going to die or if this is the greatest thing you have ever done. 

That jumping off place, it had been years since I had known that feeling.  Somewhere along the way this thing called “familiarity” and “comfort” had lulled me to sleep.  Can anyone relate?  

However, I love Psalm 37 where the psalmist says to, “Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.”  Sometimes life is about jumping, but also there is something powerful about remaining faithful with the daily routine of life.  Daily cultivating relationship, showing up and doing your job to the best of your ability, raising your children and wiping their backsides, apologizing to your wife or husband, pressing in to your relationship with God. I think there’s something to the everyday showing up for life. This daily cultivating of faithfulness is where trust is built, character is formed and new dreams are birthed.  Anything of value takes time to be birthed - it mirrors creation. 

So whether you are in the “everyday” or whether you are “jumping off the platform” - what single, brave thing do you need to do today?